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Cord Cutting & Negative Energy/Curse Clearing

 There are energetic cords that connect us to everyone in our lives, past and present, through which people can “pull” on your energy, leaving you feeling tired and off-center. The Emotional Cord Cutting disconnects these emotional cords so you stop losing energy to other people.

Clears subtle energetic connections that can keep a person locked in repeating patterns of thought, feeling, relationship, etc. which no longer serve their progression.  It does much more than just cut cords between people — it also clears the aura of "junk" that may be accumulated over time.  Cord Cuttings help to HEAL relationships in many cases.  They can help to clean up old connections from past relationships and old attachments, including addictions to habits or drugs and alcohol. 

Cord Cuttings are not used to "end" relationships; they only "end" certain portions of the UN-healthy attachment between:
people <-> people
people <-> things/behaviors/events

Negative Energy / Curse Clearing restores more natural energetic balance by removing disharmonious or misqualified energies.  It can also clear some curses and/or negative energies which are sometimes intentionally sent from one person to affect another.


 45min -60min session


Full Spirit Activation

While the Life Activation amplifies your personal connection to your higher self, the FULL SPIRIT ACTIVATION takes that one step further to increase your connection to your soul. By activating these higher aspects of your energy bodies, you are switching-on the superhero system that exists within everyone. This is the potential to perform miracles and the opportunity to optimize our own divinity.

This session involves awakening the Thalamus region, or “the old brain,” the Pituitary and Pineal glands, which increases the soul’s awareness to the physical experience, thus creating a richer appreciation for this amazing life.

Activating this awareness of the soul to the physical, will:

Unblock channels of awareness in the body
Enhance the nervous system and sensory interface to the physical
Intensify your physical and spiritual senses
Fight apathy in the soul
Help you feel more ALIVE
Boost your connection to life, nature and the people around you
Fill you with a sense of JOY
Help to provide clarity in your life purpose and path of service
Elevate your relationship to divinity and source


60 min session


Isis Healing

Using the energies of the Gods and Goddesses Isis, Osiris, Geb, and Nut, this modality causes a death and rebirth of the emotional body which in turn creates a revitalized mental and physical state of being. As a result of this realignment, people often experience having more available energy, more usage of the brain capacity and more vitality for everyday life.


60 min session

Ra Healing

By accessing the ray of Ra, the Egyptian Sun God and Creator, this modality uses the source energy of creation to clear out your aura of unwanted lower vibrations that do not serve your best interest. It heals as it purifies your personal energy field, restoring its capacity to contain Light. The Ra healing places you in a protective seal which acts like a buffer between you and undesirable negative energies. You will feel lighter, refreshed and revitalized. It is from the 3000 year old lineage of King Salomon and it is like a mini exorcism that clears out unnecessary entities, and seals your aura with a protective field/shield.

Ra Healing is a core flush of negative energies from your entire being.  In a four-part sequence, this healing eats up the negative energies around and within you, overflows your entire system with radiant spiritual sunlight, then repeats that sequence a second time, like wringing out a sponge to get all the dirt and grime out. 

Ra Healing also has a powerful protective effect, and this additional spiritual light continues to flow through your system protecting you for  several months after your session.

If you're experiencing overwhelm, challenges, negative people or relationships, sickness, enemies, or ongoing bad luck, Ra Healing can give you a new level of clarity, freedom, and peace.

$200 (if have done Empower Thyself initiation), $250 (if have not done Empower Thyself Initiation)

90 min session

Soul Retrieval

Soul Retrieval brings the lost and scattered aspects of the soul back together which can become fragmented through trauma, childhood experiences, shock, and emotional distress.

This session gives you new eyes to see the world through.  It also helps you regain a sense of ease, flow, purity, and simplicity.  You become more present in your body, mind and emotions.  You react less to triggers in your environment, and can become more conscious of your responses to life and relationships.


75-100 min session

Etheric Surgery

 Removes distortions and trauma responses (when you are ready to let go) on every level.  This happens in layers, and as you are ready, more layers can be cleared.   Whatever is cleared with this modality is gone forever and will not return.  Forward motion, new capacities, and new insights are the result.

It is so subtle and graceful that it can take the rest of your energy system several days to notice that the old pattern is no longer available.  During your day, especially if you meditate or journal (and I hope you do one or both of these daily practices at this level of self-work), you might find your mind trying to look for the old way of being and realize it's just not there anymore.  

Etheric Surgery changes your destiny, so much so that only a few things would be considered more holy -- namely DNA activation and Adept initiation.   

Etheric Surgery is literally is re-constructing the kingdom of spirit in your earthly life.  It changes what planes of reality you gravitate towards upon physical death of the body as well -- you clear something so completely that you do not have to learn it ever again. The density of our physical world is such that we hold onto patterns almost forever until we remove them.  It restores you to who you intended yourself to be before you were born.

This science has been practiced in the Mystery Schools (not only in the Western World but also in ancient India and Tibet) for at least 5,000 years.  


2 hr session & includes a set of Crystalis and Purificato


EnSofic Healing


The EnSofic Ray is the highest, brightest and most powerful ray of energy.  It has the qualities of purity, clarity, and focused concentration. This ray has the power to clear and heal negative thoughts and patterns. It is the 1st ray of creation; it is pure, straight to the point and penetrates right to the core to activate the codes of divinity within you.

In this modality the breath of God is used to awaken the ‘I am’ presence within you helping you feel more connected to the oneness of all that is. This healing modality is a process of re-orienting body, soul, and spirit to each other for absolute alignment: first, by destroying imbalanced physical, mental, and emotional patterns that prevent our highest potential; second, by sealing our physical vessels (our bodies) to contain this highest vibration; and third, by harmonizing our structures (mental, emotional, and physical) so that we can create a full LIFE resolved of conflict.

This is a great modality for those lacking passion for life, lacking desire, feeling like they are of track from their potential and purpose, stuck in a rut – it awakens the desire to love and manifest that limitless light here in the physical. Space is very specially prepared. A virtual temple is created as the world of spirit is called in.

Here are some of the amazing benefits of the Ensofic Ray Healing:

  • Heightens vibration of the body, allowing you to release lower energies that cause illness

  • Realigns your physical body and soul with your purpose and potential

  • Increases consciousness of spiritual energies helping you to connect to your divine potential

  • Restores internal unity and heals the rift of separation both within and without

  • Gently and powerfully releases old wounds and suffering held within your being

  • Assists you in managing your life with clarity, wisdom and grace


The healing is done in three one hour sessions that are spread out within 1 month 7 days apart.  Additional individual ensofic sessions can be added for $150 per session to promote relaxation and healing, and do not require you to commit the three session modality listed above.

 Three session complete Ensofic Ray modality: total cost of $600,($200 each session).

Single session to promote relaxation and healing: $150