Just imagine that a miracle happened while you were asleep and you woke up the next morning noticing you were free of the past where it didn't influence you anymore, and there was no fear holding you back from doing things you wanted. What would that look like?...........   

What if your vision could become your reality and you could create anything that you desired?


We can be influenced by what we think or what others think of us, as thoughts are energy and can shape matter. In Quantum physics and metaphysics it is believed that everything around us is energy and is the basis of all!!!  What we think of ourselves and what others think of us can influence our behaviours and overall our lives. We start embodying who we think we are and who others think we are, and most of the time these thoughts can be negative and are actually distorted perceptions .

Ancient mystery schools have taught people how to work with energy to change our thought patterns and reduce the negative thoughts, and uncover our natural state within us that is beauty and goodness. They teach us that we can be the masters of our destiny....we have all the power present within us naturally and we are not products of our past or present environment. 

This path is not for the faint of heart as it will show us the good and the bad, and how we are standing in our own way. That being said you will have tools to make the necessary changes and you will not fail if you use them. The path and tools will not fail you!

Once you begin to use the tools and understandings, you can achieve great things in your life ( I can attest to that). You are only limited by what you think.

In the words of another who has followed the path and teachings: A. Einstein

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” —— Albert Einstein

The ancient mystery schools hold the keys as to how to put this principle into action. We learn how to live from our higher self and to eliminate the subconscious aka the negative ego, which is really a dumping ground for negative emotional attachments and information that will never serve us.

The core of this work is about empowering the individual to do this work themselves, not to rely on others to help shift their energetic, emotional and mental state, but to receive the tools to do it themselves.

For a free consultation or more information, please contact me.   


 Toronto, (South Etobicoke, Alderwood area), Canada.